Watercolor Tattoo by Jules Boho

Nordico Linz - What the Fem*?

Feminist Perspectives 1950 to Today!

First Boho in a Museum? Whaat?! I am particularly pleased to be part of the current exhibition in the Nordico City Museum in Linz. Curator Klaudia Kreslehner has set herself the task of showing "feminisms" in all their diversity.

In six themed rooms, contemporary artistic positions lead through a lively discourse together with historical artefacts. It is about Austrian history with a focus on Linz, about facts, feelings, experiences, subjective realities and current attitudes. The show also sees itself as a suggestion to meet other perspectives with curiosity and to question fixed attributions.

In the course of this, one of my paintings was also allowed to move into the Nordico . Many thanks for that, dear Klaudia and the entire Nordico team!

The exhibition is until May 28th. to visit.